Welcome to the community

Join us in our Facebook group and come say hello to your co-teachers! Our community is a lively, collaborative forum for exchanging ideas, asking questions, sharing victories, and hearing about new professional development opportunities. So come introduce yourself! Remember: the science shows these things are less awkward than we expect (affective forecasting!).

Passcode: Felix

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What to expect

Curricular Discussions: Delve into the modules and strategies, share classroom experiences, and discuss the practical application of the curriculum's teachings.

Shared Resources: If you've come across supplementary materials, research papers, or teaching aids that align with the curriculum, this is your space to share and learn.

Expert Guidance: From Dr. Laurie Santos and occasional guest educators, expect insights that bridge the gap between positive psychology research and classroom teaching.

Peer Support: Engage with a network of educators who are also navigating the journey of introducing the science of well-being to their students.

Professional Development: Be the first to hear about additional training, webinars, or supplementary materials related to the curriculum.

How to contribute

Introduce Yourself: Let the community know about your teaching background, why you chose this curriculum, and how you're implementing it.

Engage Thoughtfully: Our community values scientific rigor and evidence-based discussion. Please ensure contributions are informed and constructive.

Stay Connected: Regular contributions help maintain the dynamism of our group. Your experiences in the classroom can provide valuable insights to others.

Ready to meet your co-teachers?

Grounded in science, our curriculum challenges common misconceptions about happiness, addresses biases that hinder it, and introduces evidence-based strategies that promote it. By joining this community, you're not just teaching happiness—you're fostering a brighter, more informed future for your students.

We’re glad you’re here. Let's help our students feel better.